The FastQC class stores results obtained from the FastQC application (see references), with a slot for each FastQC module. The SequenceQC class contains the QC results of a single lane of sequencing in three slots: Unaligned - FastQC results obtained from all reads (before alignment) Aligned - FastQC results obtained from only reads which aligned Mismatches - a data.frame containing counts for the number of mismatches of each type found at each sequencing cycle
FastQC类商店从FastQC应用取得的成果(见references),与每个FastQC模块插槽。 SequenceQC类包含一个单线测序三个插槽的QC成果:Unaligned - 所有读取(对齐)前获得FastQC结果Aligned - FastQC结果只读取赞同<X获得> - Mismatches包含对每个类型的不匹配,在每个测序周期计数
插槽1 FastQC对象的----------Slots of a FastQC object----------
插槽1 SequenceQC对象的----------Slots of a SequenceQC object----------
Unaligned - FastQC results obtained from all reads (before alignment)
Unaligned - 所有读取的获得FastQC结果(前对齐)
Aligned - FastQC results obtained from only reads which aligned
Aligned - 从只获得FastQC结果读取赞同
Mismatches - a data.frame containing counts for the number of mismatches of each type found at each sequencing cycle
Mismatches - data.frame包含计数发现在每个测序周期的每个类型不匹配
MismatchTable - a data.frame containing counts of how many mismatches aligned sequences contain
MismatchTable - data.frame包含计数的多少不匹配对齐序列包含