Gene Expression and Clinical Information of Two Cancer Studies
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
The data contains a list with three elements: breast, prostate and map. The first two are expression sets of class ExpressionSet taken from the breast cancer study of Huang et al. (2003) and the prostate cancer study of Singh et al. (2002). Both data sets were preprocessed as described in Yang et al. (2006). The data sets serve as illustration for function prepareData. Hence the sets contain only a random subsample of the original probes. We further removed unneeded samples from both studies.
数据包含与三个元素的列表:breast,prostate和map。前两个是表达套类ExpressionSet采取从黄等人的乳腺癌研究。 (2003年)和前列腺癌的研究辛格等。 (2002年)。两组数据进行预处理,杨等。 (2006年)。数据集作为插图功能prepareData。因此,集只包含原探针的随机子样本。进一步,我们这两项研究中删除不需要的样品。
The labels of the breast expression set were extended with 'B' to create two data sets where the probe IDs differ but can be mapped onto each other. The mapping is stored in the data frame map, which consists of the two probe ID vectors.