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R语言 IRanges包 Views-class()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-2-25 22:33:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Views objects

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


The Views virtual class is a general container for storing a set of views on an arbitrary Vector object, called the "subject".

Its primary purpose is to introduce concepts and provide some facilities that can be shared by the concrete classes that derive from it.

Some direct subclasses of the Views class are: XIntegerViews, XDoubleViews, RleViews, XStringViews (defined in the Biostrings package), etc...


Views(subject, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL, names=NULL): This constructor is a generic function with dispatch on argument subject. Specific methods must be defined for the subclasses of the Views class. For example a method for XString subjects is defined in the Biostrings package that returns an XStringViews object. There is no default method.
Views(subject, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL, names=NULL):此构造是一个泛型函数参数subject与调度。具体的方法必须定义的视图类的子类。例如,一个XString科目的方法是指在Biostrings包返回一个XStringViews对象。有没有默认的方法。

The treatment of the start, end and width arguments is the same as with the IRanges constructor, except that, in addition, Views allows start to be a Ranges object. With this feature, Views(subject, IRanges(my_starts, my_ends, my_widths, my_names)) and Views(subject, my_starts, my_ends, my_widths, my_names) are equivalent (except when my_starts is itself a Ranges object).
治疗start,end和width参数IRanges构造相同的,只不过,此外,Views让<X >是一个范围对象。有了这个功能,start和Views(subject, IRanges(my_starts, my_ends, my_widths, my_names))是等价的(当Views(subject, my_starts, my_ends, my_widths, my_names)本身就是一个范围对象除外)。


In the code snippets below, from is a Views object:

as(from, "IRanges"): Creates an IRanges object containing the view locations in from.
as(from, "IRanges"):创建一个IRangesfrom对象,其中包含视图的位置。

像存取,方法----------Accessor-like methods----------

All the accessor-like methods defined for IRanges objects work on Views objects. In addition, the following accessors are defined for Views objects:

subject(x): Return the subject of the views.

子集和追加----------Subsetting and appending----------

"[", c and "[[" work on a Views object. The first two operations are just inherited from the IRanges class but now they return a Views object. However, the "[[" method for Views objects has a different semantic than the method for IRanges objects.

x[[i]]: Extracts the view selected by i as an object of the same class as subject(x). Subscript i can be a single integer or a character string. The result is the subsequence of subject(x) defined by window(subject(x), start=start(x)[i], end=end(x)[i]) or an error if the view is "out of limits" (i.e. start(x)[i] < 1 or end(x)[i] > length(subject(x))).
x[[i]]:i作为同一类对象为subject(x)选择提取的看法。标i可以是一个整数或字符串。结果是subject(x)window(subject(x), start=start(x)[i], end=end(x)[i])或错误定义的序列,如果认为是“限制”(即start(x)[i] < 1或end(x)[i] > length(subject(x)))。

其他方法----------Other methods----------

trim(x, use.names=TRUE): Equivalent to restrict(x, start=1L, end=length(subject(x)), keep.all.ranges=TRUE,       use.names=use.names).
trim(x, use.names=TRUE):restrict(x, start=1L, end=length(subject(x)), keep.all.ranges=TRUE,       use.names=use.names)等效。

subviews(x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE): start, end, and width arguments must be vectors of integers, eventually with NAs, that contain coordinates relative to the current ranges. Equivalent to trim(narrow(x, start=start, end=end, width=width, use.names=use.names)).
subviews(x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE):start,end,width参数必须是整数向量,最终与NAS,包含相电流范围。相当于trim(narrow(x, start=start, end=end, width=width, use.names=use.names))。

gaps(x, start=NA, end=NA): start and end can be single integers or NAs. The gap extraction will be restricted to the window specified by start and end. start=NA and end=NA are interpreted as start=1 and end=length(subject(x)), respectively, so, if start and end are not specified, then gaps are extracted with respect to the entire subject.
gaps(x, start=NA, end=NA):start和end可以是单个整数或NAS。提取的差距将被限制到start和end指定的窗口。 start=NA和end=NAstart=1和end=length(subject(x))解释为分别,因此,如果start和end没有被指定,那么差距提取整个主题。

successiveViews(subject, width, gapwidth=0, from=1): Equivalent to Views(subject, successiveIRanges(width, gapwidth, from)). See ?successiveIRanges for a description of the width, gapwidth and from arguments.
successiveViews(subject, width, gapwidth=0, from=1):Views(subject, successiveIRanges(width, gapwidth, from))等效。看到?successiveIRangeswidth,gapwidth和from参数的说明。


H. Pages

参见----------See Also----------

IRanges-class, Vector-class, IRanges-utils, XVector.

Some direct subclasses of the Views class: XIntegerViews-class, XDoubleViews-class, RleViews-class, XStringViews-class.


  showClass("Views")  # shows (some of) the known subclasses[表演(部分)已知的子类]

  ## Create a set of 4 views on an XInteger subject of length 10:[#创建一套4上长度10 XInteger的主题意见:]
  subject <- XInteger(10, 3:-6)
  v1 <- Views(subject, start=4:1, end=4:7)

  ## Extract the 2nd view:[#提取第二个观点:]

  ## Some views can be "out of limits"[#有些意见可以是“超限”]
  v2 <- Views(subject, start=4:-1, end=6)
  subviews(v2, end=-2)

  ## gaps() [#差距()]
  v3 <- Views(subject, start=c(8, 3), end=c(14, 4))

  ## Views on a big XInteger subject:[#查看上一个大XInteger主题:]
  subject <- XInteger(99999, sample(99, 99999, replace=TRUE) - 50)
  v4 <- Views(subject, start=1:99*1000, end=1:99*1001)

  ## 31 adjacent views:[#31相邻的意见:]
  successiveViews(subject, 40:10)

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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