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R语言 IRanges包 Rle-class()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-2-25 22:31:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Rle objects

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


The Rle class is a general container for storing an atomic vector that is stored in a run-length encoding format. It is based on the rle function from the base package.


Rle(values): This constructor creates an Rle instances out of an atomic vector values.

Rle(values, lengths): This constructor creates an Rle instances out of an atomic vector or factor object values and an integer or numeric vector lengths with all positive elements that represent how many times each value is repeated. The length of these two vectors must be the same.
Rle(values, lengths):此构造函数创建一个原子的矢量或因素对象RLE实例values“整数或数字向量lengths一切积极因素,表示每个值重复多少次。这两个向量的长度必须是相同的。

as(from, "Rle"): This constructor creates an Rle instances out of an atomic vector from.
as(from, "Rle"):此构造函数创建了一个原子的矢量fromRLE实例。


In the code snippets below, x is an Rle object:

runLength(x): Returns the run lengths for x.

runValue(x): Returns the run values for x.

nrun(x): Returns the number of runs in x.

start(x): Returns the starts of the runs for x.

end(x): Returns the ends of the runs for x.

width(x): Same as runLength(x).


In the code snippets below, x is an Rle object:

runLength(x) <- value: Replaces x with a new Rle object using run values runValue(x) and run lengths value.
runLength(x) <- value:替换x一个新的的RLE对象运行值runValue(x)和运行长度value。

runValue(x) <- value: Replaces x with a new Rle object using run values value and run lengths runLength(x).
runValue(x) <- value:替换x一个新的的RLE对象运行值value和运行长度runLength(x)。


In the code snippets below, x and from are Rle objects:

as.vector(x, mode = "any"), as(from, "vector"): Creates an atomic vector based on the values contained in x. The vector will be coerced to the requested mode, unless mode is "any", in which case the most appropriate type is chosen.
as.vector(x, mode = "any"),as(from, "vector"):创建一个原子的向量在根据x包含的值。向量将被强制要求mode,除非mode是“任何”,在这种情况下,选择最合适的类型。

as.vectorORfactor(x): Creates an atomic vector or factor, based on the type of values contained in x. This is the most general way to decompress the Rle to a native R data structure.

as.logical(x), as(from, "logical"): Creates a logical vector based on the values contained in x.
as.logical(x),as(from, "logical"):创建一个逻辑向量根据x包含的值。

as.integer(x), as(from, "integer"): Creates an integer vector based on the values contained in x.
as.integer(x),as(from, "integer"):创建一个整数向量在根据x包含的值。

as.numeric(x), as(from, "numeric"): Creates a numeric vector based on the values contained in x.
as.numeric(x),as(from, "numeric"):创建一个数字向量上根据x包含的值。

as.complex(x), as(from, "complex"): Creates a complex vector based on the values contained in x.
as.complex(x),as(from, "complex"):创建一个复杂的向量上根据x包含的值。

as.character(x), as(from, "character"): Creates a character vector based on the values contained in x.
as.character(x),as(from, "character"):创建一个基于根据x包含的值的特征向量。

as.raw(x), as(from, "raw"): Creates a raw vector based on the values contained in x.
as.raw(x),as(from, "raw"):创建一个原始向量根据x包含的值。

as.factor(x), as(from, "factor"): Creates a factor object based on the values contained in x.
as.factor(x),as(from, "factor"):创建一个因素对象根据x包含的值。

as.data.frame(x), as(from, "data.frame"): Creates a data.frame with a single column holding the result of as.vector(x).
as.data.frame(x),as(from, "data.frame"):创建一个单一列data.frame控股as.vector(x)结果。

as(from, "IRanges"): Creates an IRanges instance from a logical Rle. Note that this instance is guaranteed to be normal.
as(from, "IRanges"):创建从逻辑RLE IRanges,例如。请注意,此实例保证是正常的。

as(from, "NormalIRanges"): Creates a NormalIRanges instance from a logical Rle.
as(from, "NormalIRanges"):创建一个从逻辑RLE NormalIRanges实例。

集团泛型----------Group Generics----------

Rle objects have support for S4 group generic functionality:

Arith "+", "-", "*", "^",

Compare "==", ">", "<", "!=",

Logic "&amp;", "|"

Ops "Arith", "Compare", "Logic"

Math "abs", "sign", "sqrt", "ceiling", "floor", "trunc", "cummax", "cummin", "cumprod", "cumsum", "log", "log10", "log2", "log1p", "acos", "acosh", "asin", "asinh", "atan", "atanh", "exp", "expm1", "cos", "cosh", "sin", "sinh", "tan", "tanh",
Math"abs","sign","sqrt","ceiling","floor","trunc","cummax",<X >,"cummin","cumprod","cumsum","log","log10","log2","log1p","acos" "acosh","asin","asinh","atan","atanh","exp","expm1","cos", "cosh","sin","sinh","tan"

Math2 "round", "signif"

Summary "max", "min", "range",

Complex "Arg", "Conj", "Im",

See S4groupGeneric for more details.

一般方法----------General Methods----------

In the code snippets below, x is an Rle object:

x[i, drop = !is.null(getOption("dropRle")) &amp;&amp; getOption("dropRle")]: Subsets x by index i, where i can be positive integers, negative integers, a logical vector of the same length as x, an Rle object of the same length as x containing logical values, or an IRanges object. When drop = FALSE returns an Rle object. When drop = TRUE, returns an atomic vector.
x[i, drop = !is.null(getOption("dropRle")) &amp;&amp; getOption("dropRle")]:亚群x通过索引i,其中i可以是正整数,负整数,为x相同长度的逻辑向量,一个RLE x长度相同的对象包含逻辑值,或IRanges对象。当drop = FALSE返回一个RLE的对象。当drop = TRUE,返回一个原子的向量。

x[i] <- value: Equivalent to seqselect(x, i) <- value.
x[i] <- value:seqselect(x, i) <- value等效。

x %in% table: Returns a logical Rle representing set membership in table.
x %in% table:返回一个逻辑RLE组成员代表在table。

aggregate(x, by, FUN, start = NULL, end = NULL, width = NULL,       frequency = NULL, delta = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE)): Generates summaries on the specified windows and returns the result in a convenient form:
aggregate(x, by, FUN, start = NULL, end = NULL, width = NULL,       frequency = NULL, delta = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE)):对指定的窗口生成摘要,并在方便的形式返回结果:

by An object with start, end, and

FUN The function, found via match.fun, to be

start, end, width the start, end, or width of the window. If by is missing, then must supply two of the
start,end,width开始,结束,或窗口的宽度。 by如果丢失,则必须提供两个

frequency, delta Optional arguments that specify

... Further arguments for FUN.
... FUN进一步的论据。

simplify A logical value specifying whether or not the

append(x, values, after = length(x)): Insert one Rle into another Rle.
append(x, values, after = length(x)):插入一个又一个的RLE RLE。

values the Rle to insert.

after the subscript in x after which the values

c(x, ...): Combines a set of Rle objects.
c(x, ...):结合RLE对象的集合。

findRange(x, vec): Returns an IRanges object representing the ranges in Rle vec that are referenced by the indices in the integer vector x.
findRange(x, vec)参考指数在整数向量vecx:返回一个IRanges反对RLE代表的范围。

findRun(x, vec): Returns an integer vector indicating the run indices in Rle vec that are referenced by the indices in the integer vector x.
findRun(x, vec):返回一个整数的向量表示RLE运行指标vec指数在整数向量x引用。

head(x, n = 6L): If n is non-negative, returns the first n elements of x. If n is negative, returns all but the last abs(n) elements of x.
head(x, n = 6L)如果n非负,返回第n个元素的x。 n如果是负,返回所有,但最后abs(n)x元素。

is.na(x): Returns a logical Rle indicating with values are NA.

is.unsorted(x, na.rm = FALSE, strictly = FALSE): Returns a logical value specifying if x is unsorted.
is.unsorted(x, na.rm = FALSE, strictly = FALSE):返回一个逻辑值,指定如果x无序。

na.rm remove missing values from check.

strictly check for _strictly_ increasing values.

length(x): Returns the underlying vector length of x.

match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL): Matches the values in x to table:
match(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL):匹配x的值table

table the values to be matched against.

nomatch the value to be returned in the case when no

incomparables a vector of values that cannot be matched. Any value in x matching a value in this vector is assigned

rep(x, times, length.out, each), rep.int(x, times): Repeats the values in x through one of the following conventions:
rep(x, times, length.out, each),rep.int(x, times):重复值x通过以下约定:

times Vector giving the number of times to repeat each element if of length length(x), or to repeat the whole vector

length.out Non-negative integer. The desired length of

each Non-negative integer.  Each element of x is

rev(x): Reverses the order of the values in x.

seqselect(x, start = NULL, end = NULL, width = NULL): Creates a new Rle object using consecutive subsequences from x specified by two of the three following values:  start, end, and width. See seqselect for more details.
seqselect(x, start = NULL, end = NULL, width = NULL):创建一个新的RLE对象,使用连续子序列从x指定由两个以下三个值:start,end,width。详情请参阅seqselect。

seqselect(x, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL) <- value: Similar to window<-, except that multiple consecutive subsequences can be replaced by a constant value. As such two of the three start, end, and width arguments can be used to specify the consecutive subsequences. Alternatively, start can take a Ranges object or something that can be converted to a Ranges object like an integer vector, logical vector or logical Rle.
seqselect(x, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL) <- value:类似window<-,除了多个连续子序列可以由一个常数value取代。作为这样两个三个start,end,width参数可以用来指定连续子序列。另外,start可以采取范围对象或东西可以转化为像一个整数向量,向量逻辑或逻辑RLE的范围对象。

shiftApply(SHIFT, X, Y, FUN, ..., OFFSET = 0L, simplify = TRUE, verbose = FALSE): Let i be the indices in SHIFT, X_i = window(X, 1 + OFFSET, length(X) - SHIFT[i]), and Y_i = window(Y, 1 + SHIFT[i], length(Y) - OFFSET). Calculates the set of FUN(X_i, Y_i, ...) values and return the results in a convenient form:
shiftApply(SHIFT, X, Y, FUN, ..., OFFSET = 0L, simplify = TRUE, verbose = FALSE):让i是SHIFT,X_i = window(X, 1 + OFFSET, length(X) - SHIFT[i]),Y_i = window(Y, 1 + SHIFT[i], length(Y) - OFFSET)指数。 FUN(X_i, Y_i, ...)值计算,并在方便的形式返回结果:

SHIFT A non-negative integer vector of shift values.

X, Y The Rle objects to shift.

FUN The function, found via match.fun, to be

... Further arguments for FUN.
... FUN进一步的论据。

OFFSET A non-negative integer offset to maintain throughout

simplify A logical value specifying whether or not the

verbose A logical value specifying whether or not to

show(object): Prints out the Rle object in a user-friendly way.

sort(x, decreasing = FALSE, na.last = NA): Sorts the values in x.
sort(x, decreasing = FALSE, na.last = NA):x值进行排序。

decreasing If TRUE, sort values in decreasing

na.last If TRUE, missing values are placed last. If FALSE, they are placed first. If NA, they are

split(x, f, drop = FALSE): Splits x according to f to create a CompressedRleList object. Empty list elements are removed if drop is TRUE.
split(x, f, drop = FALSE):拆分x根据f创建一个CompressedRleList对象。如果drop是TRUE空列表元素被删除。

splitRanges(x): Returns a CompressedIRangesList object that contain the ranges for each of the unique run values.

subset(x, subset): Returns a new Rle object made of the subset using logical vector subset.
subset(x, subset):返回一个新的RLE使用逻辑向量subset子集的对象。

summary(object, ..., digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)): Summarizes the Rle object using an atomic vector convention. The digits argument is used for number formatting with signif().
summary(object, ..., digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)):总结RLE对象,用原子向量公约。用于数字格式与digitssignif()参数。

table(...): Returns a table containing the counts of the unique values.

tail(x, n = 6L): If n is non-negative, returns the last n elements of x. If n is negative, returns all but the first abs(n) elements of x.
tail(x, n = 6L):n如果是为非负数,返回最后的xn个元素。 n如果是负,返回所有,但第一abs(n)x元素。

unique(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...): Returns the unique run values. The incomparables argument takes a vector of values that cannot be compared with FALSE being a special value that means that all values can be compared.
unique(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...):返回独特的运行值。 incomparables参数需要一个不能FALSE是一个特殊的值,这意味着所有的值可以比较比较值的向量。

window(x, start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, frequency = NULL, delta = NULL, ...): Extract the subsequence window from x specified by:
window(x, start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, frequency = NULL, delta = NULL, ...):x指定从提取的子序列的窗口:

start, end, width The start, end, or width

frequency, delta Optional arguments that specify

window(x, start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, keepLength = TRUE) <- value: Replace the subsequence window specified on the left (i.e. the subsequence in x specified by start, end and width) by value. value must either be of class Rle, belong to a subclass of Rle, be coercible to Rle, or be NULL. If keepLength is TRUE, the elements of value are repeated to create an Rle with the same number of elements as the width of the subsequence window it is replacing. If keepLength is FALSE, this replacement method can modify the length of x, depending on how the length of the left subsequence window compares to the length of value.
window(x, start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, keepLength = TRUE) <- value:更换序列左侧指定的窗口(即序列在xstart中指定,end和width)value的 。 value必须是类的RLE,属于RLE的一个子类,强制转换RLE,或者是NULL。如果keepLength是TRUE,元素value重复创建相同数量的元素的宽度序列窗口,它正在取代RLE。如果keepLength是FALSE,此替代方法可以修改的长度x,取决于左序列窗口的长度如何比较长的value。

逻辑数据方法----------Logical Data Methods----------

In the code snippets below, x is an Rle object:

!x: Returns logical negation (NOT) of x.

which(x): Returns an integer vector representing the TRUE indices of x.

ifelse(x, yes, no): For each element of x, returns the corresponding element in yes if TRUE, otherwise the element in no. yes and no may be Rle objects or anything else coercible to a vector.
ifelse(x, yes, no):x对于每个元素,返回相应的元素yes如果TRUE,否则元素no。 yes和no可能Rle对象或其他任何强制转换到一个向量。

数值型数据的方法----------Numerical Data Methods----------

In the code snippets below, x is an Rle object:

diff(x, lag = 1, differences = 1: Returns suitably lagged and iterated differences of x.
diff(x, lag = 1, differences = 1:返回x的适当滞后和迭代的差异。

lag An integer indicating which lag to use.

differences An integer indicating the order of the

pmax(..., na.rm = FALSE), pmax.int(..., na.rm = FALSE): Parallel maxima of the Rle input values. Removes NAs when na.rm = TRUE.
pmax(..., na.rm = FALSE),pmax.int(..., na.rm = FALSE):平行的RLE输入值的最大值。移除NASna.rm = TRUE。

pmin(..., na.rm = FALSE), pmin.int(..., na.rm = FALSE): Parallel minima of the Rle input values. Removes NAs when na.rm = TRUE.
pmin(..., na.rm = FALSE),pmin.int(..., na.rm = FALSE):平行的RLE输入值极小。移除NASna.rm = TRUE。

mean(x, na.rm = FALSE): Calculates the mean of x. Removes NAs when na.rm = TRUE.
mean(x, na.rm = FALSE):计算平均x。移除NASna.rm = TRUE。

var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE): Calculates the variance of x or covariance of x and y if both are supplied. Removes NAs when na.rm = TRUE.
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE):x或协方差计算方差x和y如果两者都提供。移除NASna.rm = TRUE。

cov(x, y, use = "everything"), cor(x, y, use = "everything"): Calculates the covariance and correlation respectively of Rle objects x and y. The use argument is an optional character string giving a method for computing covariances in the presence of missing values. This must be (an abbreviation of) one of the strings "everything", "all.obs", "complete.obs", "na.or.complete", or "pairwise.complete.obs".
cov(x, y, use = "everything"),cor(x, y, use = "everything"):计算的RLE对象x和y的协方差和相关性分别。 use参数是一个可选的字符串,给人一种存在缺失值的计算协方差的方法。这必须是(缩写)字符串"everything","all.obs","complete.obs","na.or.complete"或"pairwise.complete.obs"。

sd(x, na.rm = FALSE): Calculates the standard deviation of x. Removes NAs when na.rm = TRUE.
sd(x, na.rm = FALSE):计算x的标准偏差。移除NASna.rm = TRUE。

median(x, na.rm = FALSE): Calculates the median of x. Removes NAs when na.rm = TRUE.
median(x, na.rm = FALSE):计算x的中位数。移除NASna.rm = TRUE。

quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm = FALSE, names = TRUE, type = 7, ...): Calculates the specified quantiles of x.
quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm = FALSE, names = TRUE, type = 7, ...):计算x指定的位数。

probs A numeric vector of probabilities with values in

na.rm If TRUE, removes NAs from x

names If TRUE, the result has names describing the

type An integer between 1 and 9 selecting one of the nine

... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.

mad(x, center = median(x), constant = 1.4826, na.rm = FALSE, low = FALSE, high = FALSE): Calculates the median absolute deviation of x.
mad(x, center = median(x), constant = 1.4826, na.rm = FALSE, low = FALSE, high = FALSE):计算x的中位数绝对偏差。

center The center to calculate the deviation from.

constant The scale factor.

na.rm If TRUE, removes NAs from x

low If TRUE, compute the 'lo-median'.

high If TRUE, compute the 'hi-median'.

IQR(x, na.rm = FALSE): Calculates the interquartile range of x.
IQR(x, na.rm = FALSE):计算x的四分位数范围。

na.rm If TRUE, removes NAs from x

smoothEnds(y, k = 3): Smooth end points of an Rle y using subsequently smaller medians and Tukey's end point rule at the very end.
smoothEnds(y, k = 3):平滑终点的RLEy随后较小的中位数和杜克在最后结束的规则。

k An integer indicating the width of largest median

runmean(x, k, endrule = c("drop", "constant")): Calculates the means for fixed width running windows across x.
runmean(x, k, endrule = c("drop", "constant")):计算固定跨越x运行窗口的宽度的手段。

k An integer indicating the fixed width of the running

endrule A character string indicating how the values at the beginning and the end (of the data) should be treated.

"drop" do not extend the running statistics to

"constant" copies running statistic to the first values and analogously for the last ones making the

runmed(x, k, endrule = c("median", "keep", "drop", "constant")): Calculates the medians for fixed width running windows across x.
runmed(x, k, endrule = c("median", "keep", "drop", "constant")):跨越x运行窗口为固定宽度的计算中位数。

k An integer indicating the fixed width of the running

endrule A character string indicating how the values at the beginning and the end (of the data) should be treated.

"keep" keeps the first and last k2 values at both ends, where k2 is the half-bandwidth k2 = k %/% 2, i.e., y[j] = x[j] for j \in \{1,&hellip;,k_2; n-k_2+1,&hellip;,n\}
"keep"保持第一个和最后一个k2两端值,其中k2是半带宽k2 = k %/% 2,即y[j] = x[j]j \in \{1,&hellip;,k_2; n-k_2+1,&hellip;,n\}

"constant" copies the running statistic to the first values and analogously for the last ones making the

"median" the default, smooths the ends by using symmetrical medians of subsequently smaller bandwidth, but for the very first and last value where Tukey's robust

runsum(x, k, endrule = c("drop", "constant")): Calculates the sums for fixed width running windows across x.
runsum(x, k, endrule = c("drop", "constant")):计算固定跨越x运行窗口的宽度的总和。

k An integer indicating the fixed width of the running

endrule A character string indicating how the values at the beginning and the end (of the data) should be treated.

"drop" do not extend the running statistics to

"constant" copies running statistic to the first values and analogously for the last ones making the

runwtsum(x, k, wt, endrule = c("drop", "constant")): Calculates the sums for fixed width running windows across x.
runwtsum(x, k, wt, endrule = c("drop", "constant")):计算固定跨越x运行窗口的宽度的总和。

k An integer indicating the fixed width of the running

wt A numeric vector of length k that

endrule A character string indicating how the values at the beginning and the end (of the data) should be treated.

"drop" do not extend the running statistics to

"constant" copies running statistic to the first values and analogously for the last ones making the

runq(x, k, i, endrule = c("drop", "constant")): Calculates the order statistic for fixed width running windows across x.
runq(x, k, i, endrule = c("drop", "constant")):计算跨越x运行窗口的宽度固定的次序统计量。

k An integer indicating the fixed width of the running

i An integer indicating which order statistic to

endrule A character string indicating how the values at the beginning and the end (of the data) should be treated.

"drop" do not extend the running statistics to

"constant" copies running statistic to the first values and analogously for the last ones making the

字符数据的方法----------Character Data Methods----------

In the code snippets below, x is an Rle object:

nchar(x, type = "chars", allowNA = FALSE): Returns an integer Rle representing the number of characters in the corresponding values of x.
nchar(x, type = "chars", allowNA = FALSE):x相应的值中的字符数返回一个整数,RLE。

type One of c("bytes", "chars", "width").
type1c("bytes", "chars", "width")。

allowNA Should NA be returned for invalid multibyte

substr(x, start, stop), substring(text, first, last = 1000000L): Returns a character or factor Rle containing the specified substrings beginning at start/first and ending at stop/last.
substr(x, start, stop),substring(text, first, last = 1000000L):返回字符或因素的RLE包含指定的子串开始在start/first和stop/last结束。

chartr(old, new, x): Returns a character or factor Rle containing a translated version of x.
chartr(old, new, x):返回字符或因素RLE含有x译本。

old A character string specifying the characters to be

new A character string specifying the translations.

tolower(x): Returns a character or factor Rle containing a lower case version of x.

toupper(x): Returns a character or factor Rle containing an upper case version of x.

sub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = FALSE,         perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE): Returns a character or factor Rle containing replacements based on matches determined by regular expression matching. See sub for a description of the arguments.
sub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = FALSE,         perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE):返回字符或因素RLE基于正则表达式匹配决定比赛的替代品。看到sub参数的描述。

gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = FALSE,  perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE): Returns a character or factor Rle containing replacements based on matches determined by regular expression matching. See gsub for a description of the arguments.
gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = FALSE,  perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE):返回字符或因素RLE基于正则表达式匹配决定比赛的替代品。看到gsub参数的描述。

paste(..., sep = " ", collapse = NULL): Returns a character or factor Rle containing a concatenation of the values in ....
paste(..., sep = " ", collapse = NULL):返回字符或因素RLE包含在...值的串联。

因子实验数据的方法----------Factor Data Methods----------

In the code snippets below, x is an Rle object:

levels(x), levels(x) <- value: Gets and sets the factor levels, respectively.
levels(x),levels(x) <- value:获取和设置因子水平,分别为。

nlevels(x): Returns the number of factor levels.


P. Aboyoun

参见----------See Also----------

rle, Vector-class, S4groupGeneric, IRanges-class


  x <- Rle(10:1, 1:10)


  x^2 + 2 * x + 1
  window(x, 4, 14)
  x > 4
  aggregate(x, x > 4, mean)
  aggregate(x, FUN = mean, start = 1length(x) - 50), end = 51:length(x))

  rep(y, 10)
  c(y, x > 5)

  z <- c("the", "quick", "red", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "brown", "dog")
  z <- Rle(z, seq_len(length(z)))
  chartr("a", "@", z)

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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