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R语言 IRanges包 rdapply()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-2-25 22:31:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Applying over spaces

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


The rdapply function applies a user function over the spaces of a RangedData. The parameters to rdapply are collected into an instance of RDApplyParams,


rdapply(x, ...)


The RDApplyParams instance, see below for how to make one.

Additional arguments for methods



The rdapply function is an attempt to facilitate the common operation of performing the same operation over each space (e.g. chromosome) in a RangedData. To facilitate a wide array of such tasks, the function takes a large number of options. The RDApplyParams class is meant to help manage this complexity. In particular, it facilitates experimentation through its support for incremental changes to parameter settings.
rdapply功能是为了促进共同执行相同的操作在每个空间(如染色体)RangedData操作。 ,以方便这些任务的一系列功能需要大量的选项。 RDApplyParams类是为了帮助管理这种复杂性。特别是,它有利于通过其支持参数设置的增量变化的实验。

There are two RangedData settings that are required: the user function object and the RangedData over which it is applied. The rest of the settings determine what is actually passed to the user function and how the return value is processed before relaying it to the user. The following is the description and rationale for each setting.

rangedData <STRONG>REQUIRED</STRONG>. The RangedData instance over which applyFun is applied.
rangedData<STRONG>要求</强>。 RangedData实例哪些applyFun应用。

applyFun <STRONG>REQUIRED</STRONG>. The user function to be applied to each space in the RangedData. The function must expect the RangedData as its first parameter and also accept the parameters specified in applyParams.

The list of additional parameters to pass to applyFun. Usually empty.

The instance of FilterRules that is used to filter each subset of the RangedData passed to the user function. This is an efficient and convenient means for performing the same operation over different subsets of the data on a space-by-space basis. In particular, this avoids the need to store subsets of the entire RangedData. A common workflow is to invoke rdapply with one set of active filters, enable different filters, reinvoke rdapply, and compare the results.

A scalar logical (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the list to be returned from rdapply should be simplified as by sapply. Defaults to FALSE.
标量逻辑(TRUE或FALSE)指示是否的listrdapply的返回应简化为sapply。 FALSE默认。

The function that is used to convert the list that would otherwise be returned from rdapply to something more convenient. The function should take the list as its first parameter and also accept the parameters specified in reducerParams. This is an alternative to the primitive behavior of the simplify option (so simplify must be FALSE if this option is set). The aim is to orthogonalize the applyFun operation (i.e. the statistics) from the data structure of the result.
这是用来转换从function,否则将返回到更方便的东西list rdapply。该功能应作为其第一个参数列表中也接受reducerParams指定的参数。这是一个替代的simplify选项(simplify必须FALSE如果此选项设置)的原始行为。目的是正交化applyFun操作(即统计),从数据结构的结果。

A list of additional parameters to pass to reducerFun. Can only be set if reducerFun is set. Usually empty.

The function used for applying over the RangedData. By default, this is lapply, but it could also be a specialized function, like mclapply.


By default a list holding the result of each invocation of the user function, but see details.

建设的RDApplyParams对象----------Constructing an RDApplyParams object----------

RDApplyParams(rangedData, applyFun, applyParams, filterRules, simplify, reducerFun, reducerParams): Constructs a RDApplyParams object with each setting specified by the argument of the same name. See the Details section for more information.
RDApplyParams(rangedData, applyFun, applyParams, filterRules, simplify, reducerFun, reducerParams):构造一个RDApplyParams由同名的参数指定的每个设置的对象。更多信息,请参阅详细资料“节。


In the following code snippets, x is an RDApplyParams object.

rangedData(x), rangedData(x) <- value: Get or set the RangedData instance over which applyFun is applied.
rangedData(x),rangedData(x) <- value:获取或设置RangedData实例指applyFun的应用。

applyFun(x), applyFun(x) <- value: Get or set the user function to be applied to each space in the RangedData.
applyFun(x),applyFun(x) <- value:获取或设置用户function被应用在RangedData每一个空间。

applyParams(x), applyParams(x) <- value: Get or set the list of additional parameters to pass to applyFun.
applyParams(x),applyParams(x) <- value:获取或设置list额外的参数传递到applyFun。

filterRules(x), filterRules(x) <- value: Get or set the instance of FilterRules that is used to filter each subset of the RangedData passed to the user function.
filterRules(x),filterRules(x) <- value:获取或设置的实例FilterRules,用于过滤的每个子集的RangedData传递给用户的功能。

simplify(x), simplify(x) <- value: Get or set a a scalar logical (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the list to be returned from rdapply should be simplified as by sapply.
simplify(x),simplify(x) <- value:获取或设置AA标逻辑(TRUE或FALSE)指示是否listrdapply应该返回简化为sapply。

reducerFun(x), reducerFun(x) <- value: Get or set the function that is used to convert the list that would otherwise be returned from rdapply to something more convenient.
reducerFun(x),reducerFun(x) <- value:获取或设置这是用来转换从function,否则将返回到更方便的东西list rdapply。

reducerParams(x), reducerParams(x) <- value: Get or set a list of additional parameters to pass to reducerFun.
reducerParams(x),reducerParams(x) <- value:获取或设置一个额外的参数list的传递reducerFun的。

iteratorFun(x), iteratorFun(x) <- value: Get or set the function used for applying over the RangedData.
iteratorFun(x),iteratorFun(x) <- value:获取或设置了申请RangedData的使用功能。


Michael Lawrence

参见----------See Also----------

RangedData, FilterRules


  ranges <- IRanges(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6))
  score <- c(2L, 0L, 1L)
  rd <- RangedData(ranges, score, space = c("chr1","chr2","chr1"))
  ## a single function[#单一功能]
  countrows <- function(rd) nrow(rd)
  params <- RDApplyParams(rd, countrows)
  rdapply(params) # list(chr1 = 2L, chr2 = 1L)[列表(chr1 = 2L,chr2 = 1L)]

  ## with a parameter[#参数]
  params <- RDApplyParams(rd, function(rd, x) nrow(rd)*x, list(x = 2))
  rdapply(params) # list(chr1 = 4L, chr2 = 2L)[列表(chr1 = 4L,chr2 = 2L)]

  ## add a filter[#添加一个过滤器]
  cutoff <- 0
  rules <- FilterRules(filter = score > cutoff)
  params <- RDApplyParams(rd, countrows, filterRules = rules)
  rdapply(params) # list(chr1 = 2L, chr2 = 0L)[列表(chr1 = 2L,chr2 = 0L)]
  rules <- FilterRules(list(fun = function(rd) rd[["score"]] < 2),
                       filter = score > cutoff)
  params <- RDApplyParams(rd, countrows, filterRules = rules)
  rdapply(params) # list(chr1 = 1L, chr2 = 0L)[列表(chr1 = 1L,chr2 = 0L)]
  active(filterRules(params))["filter"] <- FALSE
  rdapply(params) # list(chr1 = 1L, chr2 = 1L)[列表(chr1 = 1L,chr2 = 1L)]

  ## simplify[#简化]
  params <- RDApplyParams(rd, countrows, simplify = TRUE)
  rdapply(params) # c(chr1 = 2L, chr2 = 1L)[C(chr1 = 2L,chr2 = 1L)]

  ## reducing[#减少]
  params <- RDApplyParams(rd, countrows, reducerFun = unlist,
                          reducerParams = list(use.names = FALSE))
  rdapply(params) ## c(2L, 1L)[#C(2L,1L)]

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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