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R语言 IRanges包 DataFrame-class()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-2-25 22:26:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        External Data Frame

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


The DataFrame extends the DataTable virtual class and supports the storage of any type of object (with length and [ methods) as columns.



On the whole, the DataFrame behaves very similarly to data.frame, in terms of construction, subsetting, splitting, combining, etc. The most notable exception is that the row names are optional. This means calling rownames(x) will return NULL if there are no row names. Of course, it could return seq_len(nrow(x)), but returning NULL informs, for example, combination functions that no row names are desired (they are often a luxury when dealing with large data).

As DataFrame derives from Vector, it is possible to set an annotation string. Also, another DataFrame can hold metadata on the columns.

For a class to be supported as a column, it must have length and [ methods, where [ supports subsetting only by i and respects drop=FALSE. Optionally, a method may be defined for the showAsCell generic, which should return a vector of the same length as the subset of the column passed to it. This vector is then placed into a data.frame and converted to text with format. Thus, each element of the vector should be some simple, usually character, representation of the corresponding element in the column.


In the following code snippets, x is a DataFrame.

dim(x): Get the length two integer vector indicating in the first and second element the number of rows and columns, respectively.

dimnames(x), dimnames(x) <- value: Get and set the two element list containing the row names (character vector of length nrow(x) or NULL) and the column names (character vector of length ncol(x)).
dimnames(x),dimnames(x) <- value:获取和设置两个元素的列表包含行名称(字符向量的长度nrow(x)或NULL)和列名(字符长度矢量 ncol(x))。


In the following code snippets, x is a DataFrame.

x[i,j,drop]: Behaves very similarly to the [.data.frame method, except i can be a logical Rle object and subsetting by matrix indices is not supported. Indices containing NA's are also not supported.

x[i,j] <- value: Behaves very similarly to the [<-.data.frame method.
x[i,j] <- value:[<-.data.frame方法的表现非常相似。

x[[i]]: Behaves very similarly to the [[.data.frame method, except arguments j and exact are not supported. Column name matching is always exact. Subsetting by matrices is not supported.

x[[i]] <- value: Behaves very similarly to the [[<-.data.frame method, except argument j is not supported.
x[[i]] <- value:[[<-.data.frame方法的表现非常相似,除了参数j不支持。


DataFrame(..., row.names = NULL): Constructs a DataFrame in similar fashion to data.frame. Each argument in ... is coerced to a DataFrame and combined column-wise. No special effort is expended to automatically determine the row names from the arguments. The row names should be given in row.names; otherwise, there are no row names. This is by design, as row names are normally undesirable when data is large.
DataFrame(..., row.names = NULL):构造一个类似的方式DataFramedata.frame。每个...的论点被裹挟至1 DataFrame并结合列明智的。没有什么特别的努力,花费从参数自动确定的行名。行的名称应当给予row.names,否则,有没有行的名称。这是由设计,为行名通常是不可取的,当数据大。

To store an object of a class that does not support coercion to DataFrame, wrap it in I(). The class must still have methods for length and [.

分裂和结合----------Splitting and Combining----------

In the following code snippets, x is a DataFrame.

split(x, f, drop = FALSE): Splits x into a CompressedSplitDataFrameList, according to f, dropping elements corresponding to unrepresented levels if drop is TRUE.
split(x, f, drop = FALSE):拆分:x到CompressedSplitDataFrameList,根据f,删除对应的元素,没有律师代表的水平,如果drop是TRUE。

rbind(...): Creates a new DataFrame by combining the rows of the DataFrame objects in .... Very similar to rbind.data.frame, except in the handling of row names. If all elements have row names, they are concatenated and made unique. Otherwise, the result does not have row names. Currently, factors are not handled well (their levels are dropped). This is not a high priority until there is an XFactor class.
rbind(...):创建一个新的DataFrameDataFrame行...对象相结合。 rbind.data.frame,除在处理行名称非常相似。如果所有的元素都行名,他们是连接在一起,并作出独特的。否则,其结果不具有行名称。目前,因素没有处理好(被丢弃的水平)。这不是一个高度优先事项,直到有一个XFactor类。

cbind(...): Creates a new DataFrame by combining the columns of the DataFrame objects in .... Very similar to cbind.data.frame, except row names, if any, are dropped. Consider the DataFrame as an alternative that allows one to specify row names.
cbind(...):创建一个新的DataFrameDataFrame的...对象的列相结合。 cbind.data.frame非常相似,除行名,如果有的话,被丢弃。考虑作为替代方案,允许指定行名称DataFrame。


In the following code snippets, data is a DataFrame.

aggregate(x, data, FUN, ..., subset, na.action = na.omit): Aggregates the DataFrame data according to the formula x and the aggregating function FUN. See aggregate and its method for formula.
aggregate(x, data, FUN, ..., subset, na.action = na.omit):聚合DataFramedata根据公式x和聚合函数FUN。看到aggregate和formula方法。


as(from, "DataFrame"): By default, constructs a new DataFrame with from as its only column. If from is a matrix or data.frame, all of its columns become columns in the new DataFrame. If from is a list, each element becomes a column, recycling as necessary. Note that for the DataFrame to behave correctly, each column object must support element-wise subsetting via the [ method and return the number of elements with length. It is recommended to use the DataFrame  constructor, rather than this interface.
as(from, "DataFrame"):默认情况下,构建一个新的DataFrame与from作为其唯一的列。如果from是matrix或data.frame,其所有的列,成为在新的DataFrame列。如果from是一个列表,每个元素成为一列,必要时回收。注意DataFrame正确的行为,每列的对象必须支持通过[方法明智的元素,子集,并返回元素length的数量。建议使用DataFrame构造函数,而不是接口。

as.list(x): Coerces x, a DataFrame, to a list.

as.data.frame(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE): Coerces x, a DataFrame, to a data.frame. Each column is coerced to a data.frame and then column bound together. If row.names is NULL, they are retrieved from x, if it has any. Otherwise, they are inferred by the data.frame constructor.
as.data.frame(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE):胁迫x,DataFrame,data.frame。每一列都被裹挟到data.frame然后列捆绑在一起。 row.names如果是NULL,他们从x检索,如果有任何。否则,他们推断data.frame构造。

NOTE: conversion of x to a data.frame is not supported if x contains any list, SimpleList, or CompressedList columns.

as(from, "data.frame"): Coerces a DataFrame to a data.frame by calling as.data.frame(from).
as(from, "data.frame"):DataFrame胁迫一调用data.frameas.data.frame(from)。


Michael Lawrence

参见----------See Also----------

DataTable, Vector, and RangedData, which makes heavy use of this class.


  score <- c(1L, 3L, NA)
  counts <- c(10L, 2L, NA)
  row.names <- c("one", "two", "three")
  df &lt;- DataFrame(score) # single column[单柱]
  df &lt;- DataFrame(score, row.names = row.names) #with row names[行名]
  df &lt;- DataFrame(vals = score) # explicit naming[明确命名]
  # a data.frame[数据框]
  sw <- DataFrame(swiss)
  as.data.frame(sw) # swiss, without row names[瑞士,无行名]
  # now with row names[现在行名称]
  sw <- DataFrame(swiss, row.names = rownames(swiss))
  as.data.frame(sw) # swiss[瑞士的]

  # subsetting[子集]
  sw[] # identity subset[身份的子集]
  sw[,] # same[同]

  sw[NULL] # no columns[没有列]
  sw[,NULL] # no columns[没有列]
  sw[NULL,] # no rows[任何行]

  ## select columns[#选择列]
  sw[,1:3] # same as above[与上述相同]

  ## select rows and columns[#选择行和列]
  sw[4:5, 1:3]
  sw[1] # one-column DataFrame[一列DataFrame的]
  ## the same[#]
  sw[, 1, drop = FALSE]
  sw[, 1] # a (unnamed) vector[(无名)向量]
  sw[[1]] # the same[同一]

  sw[["Fert"]] # should return 'NULL'[应该返回“NULL”]
  sw[1,] # a one-row DataFrame[一个行DataFrame,]
  sw[1,, drop=TRUE] # a list[列表]

  ## duplicate row, unique row names are created[#重复的行,创建独特的行名]
  sw[c(1, 1:2),]

  ## indexing by row names  [#行名称索引]
  subsw <- sw[1:5,1:4]
  subsw["C",] # partially matches[部分匹配]

  ## row and column names[#行和列名]
  cn <- paste("X", seq_len(ncol(swiss)), sep = ".")
  colnames(sw) <- cn
  rn <- seq(nrow(sw))
  rownames(sw) <- rn

  ## column replacement[#列更换]

  df[["counts"]] <- counts
  df[[3]] <- score
  df[[3]] &lt;- NULL # deletion[删除]

  ## split[#分裂]

  sw <- DataFrame(swiss)
  swsplit <- split(sw, sw[["Education"]])
  ## rbind[#rbind]

  do.call(rbind, as.list(swsplit))

  ## cbind[#cbind]

  cbind(DataFrame(score), DataFrame(counts))

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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