The format for ecoli.m52.genome is character with genome sequence. The format for ecoligenomeCHRLOC is an environment (as a hash table). Each key is an Affyemtrix probe set ID, and each value is vector of two integers (begining and end - see the details below) The format for ecoligenomeSYMBOL2AFFFY is an environment (as a hash table). Each key is a gene symbol name. The format for ecoligenomeSYMBOL is an environment (as a hash table). Each key is an Affymetrix probe set id ecoli.len is a variable containing the size of the genome in ecoli.m52.genome.
ecoli.m52.genome是character基因组序列的格式。的ecoligenomeCHRLOC格式是一个环境(如哈希表)。每个关键是一个Affyemtrix探针组ID,每个值是两个整数(begining和结束 - 看下面的详细信息)的矢量格式为ecoligenomeSYMBOL2AFFFY是一个环境(如哈希表)。每个键都是一个基因符号的名称。的ecoligenomeSYMBOL格式是一个环境(如哈希表)。每个键是一个Affymetrix的探针设置IDecoli.len是一个变量,包含在ecoli.m52.genome基因组的大小。
The environments ecoligenomeSYMBOL2AFFFY and ecoligenomeSYMBOL are like the ones in the data packages built by annBuilder.
The environment ecoligenomeCHRLOC differs: two integers are associated with each key, one corresponds to the begining of the segment the other to the end.
The environment ecoligenomeSTRAND returns a logical. TRUE means that the orientation is "+", FALSE means that the orientation is '-' (and NA is used when irrelevant for the key).
的的环境ecoligenomeSTRAND返回logical。 TRUE指的方向是“+”,FALSE意味着方向是 - (NA时使用的关键无关)。
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